
Our Consortium Partners

Hapax Ambarino-Coordinator

Hapax is a social enterprise aiming to provide training, support, counselling and research activities to diverse groups of people. Mainly Hapax works with youth and individuals belonging to vulnerable groups, supporting them on multiple levels to facilitate their integration or re-integration into society or world of work and upgrade their basic literacy skills.

Hapax provides:

  • training seminars using conventional methods and / or the use of new technologies in the areas of basic skills, digital skills and the use of new technologies,
  • counselling in basic competences and increase of transversal skills,
  • Training design in areas such as communication, communication in the native language, active listening and related skills.
  • design digital literacy activities into scenario activities
  • digital competence training (digital literacy, digital communication etc)
  • design soft skills competence training for youth and their trainers.


APOPSI S.A. was established in 1995 and operates in the field of Vocational Training, Career Counselling, Information and Communications Technology and business consulting. It is one of the largest Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning Centres in Greece with national range, being certified and duly licensed by the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

APOPSI has a long record of experience in National and European projects implementation offering a wide range of services related to:

  • Business consulting and mentoring support to entrepreneurs and self-employed from all sectors of economy towards the adoption of business innovation strategies and tools and the promotion of competitiveness and viability.
  • Design, provision and monitoring of different types of training (i.e. face to face, synchronous – asynchronous e-learning, blended learning) to a wide spectrum of beneficiaries and training fields.
  • Development of educational web-based applications and educational

CRS Laghi

CRS Laghi is an academic spin-off, dedicated to research and business training. Its mission is bridging the gap between academia and enterprise. CRSL is registered in the National Register of Research of the MIUR – Ministry of Education, University and Research – and certified by Unioncamere as a Center for Technology Transfer 4.0 and offers its assistance for the development of research projects promoted by Public or Private Enterprises, Institutions and Professionals of the sector, aimed at creating innovative processes/prototypes in the thematic areas of its 7 Departments. The implementation of 4.0 technologies within companies has highlighted the importance of lifelong learning for both large and medium-small companies. At the same time, the ongoing evolution of technologies makes continuous in-house training essential for all workers and collaborators of the Research Center. For this reason, CRSL organizes various training, master and upskilling courses and other types of training.